Hydropac Exchange Meeting

In collaboration with the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research we are holding a one day meeting to discuss the Hydropac rodent watering system . The meeting is for current users and prospective users to come together to share their experiences and developments. The morning session will be given over to presentations on the use of […]

In collaboration with the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research we are holding a one day meeting to discuss the Hydropac rodent watering system . The meeting is for current users and prospective users to come together to share their experiences and developments. The morning session will be given over to presentations on the use of Hydropac and its impact on facility design and operation

Location : The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow, Scotland (UK)

Date : Tuesday 3rd of October 2017 

The presentations will given by guest speakers from The Beatson Institute of Cancer Research, Manchester University, Karolinska University Hospital, and others.

Topics :

  • Why Choose Hydropac
  • User Experiences after years of use
  • Advantages and Benefits over many years
  • Water Quality aspects of Hydropac
  • Sustainability
  • Microbiology

A round table session will follow to give participants the opportunity to talk to our speakers and ask any questions they might have.

In the afternoon the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research has very kindly offered to provide a guided tour of their facility to see their pouch machine in action, the system being used at cage level and talk to the technicians about their experiences.

If you don’t want to miss this event, please fill out the contact form below. Places are limited!

Registration Form

[contact-form-7 id=”2980″ title=”Hydropac Exchange Meeting Registration”]

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