athena image analysis software
Athena Zebrafish Image Analysis Software
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are an attractive model organism for the study of human disease, development and toxicology because of their optical transparency and genetic tractability. They serve as a great alternative to mammalian screening due to cost, throughput and reduced ethical concerns.
Automated analysis of Zebrafish images imposes unique demands due to the diversity of organs and features that need to be detected.
To increase throughput, robustness and permit unbiased image analysis of zebrafish, IDEA Bio-Medical developed a novel AI-based software to automatically detect the fish outer contour and internal anatomy in brightfield images.
Athena for zebrafish enables true high-content analysis by identifying these hard-to-detect structures to maintain the anatomical context of fluorescence signals. Researchers using Athena for zebrafish readily quantify morphology along with region-specific spot/cell counting and fluorescence intensity measurement to quickly advance their research.
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