
  • Rotifers

    Pure cultures of a strain of Brachionus plicatilis (L-type) rotifers with a typical lorica length of about 160 µm. This species is euryhaline, capable of thriving in salinities of 5-40 ppt.

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  • RG Complete

    RGcomplete is a super-concentrated microalgal-based premium quality feed and enrichment for rotifers, daphnia and other filter-feeding
    invertebrates. It has been sized especially for Breeders, Aquarists, and Propagators and includes both a pH buffer and ClorAm-
    X® (ammonia neutralizer). It has a long refrigerated shelf life of at least 6 months.

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  • Compact Culture System for Zooplankton

    Live zooplankton such as rotifers and Artemia are essential first-feeds for the larvae of many fish (for example, Clownfish). The APBreed Compact Culture System (CCS) is designed to make a benchtop-scale culture of zooplankton easy and reliable.
    The CCS combines a conveniently-sized 5-gallon bucket with a custom-made fitting that incorporates an aerator and a particulate waste trap. Aeration provides oxygenation and water circulation that draws particulate wastes into the trap (floss).

    Daily maintenance of the culture (aside from feeding and harvesting) requires only 5 minutes to flush the wastes from the trap and brush the interior surfaces of the bucket. The CCS is sturdy and easily transported, and includes a flexible translucent cover that isolates the culture from contamination.

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  • FishGun L3 Liquid Feed Dispenser

    The FishGun L3 is a semi-automatic diet delivery device. It is designed to facilitate the feeding of aquatic animals such as zebrafish in research facilities. Created for precision dispensing of different types and sizes of live food such as rotifers, artemia and daphnia
    The FishGun L3 ensures faster, more accurate, and reproducible feed dosage. Its ergonomic design reduces fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders and reduces technician time spent on feeding.
    With the use of the integrated RFID scanner, this system identifies different tanks and delivers the right amount of feed required according to the number of fish housed in each tank.
    The FishGun’s cradle is compatible with all commercially available zebrafish tank housing systems known on the market; Iwaki Aquatic, Aquaneering, Pentair, Tecniplast.

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