DAS-8037 Reader System
The DAS-8037 Reader is a handheld device used to read ID data from and programme ID data to BMDS temperature programmable transponders; compatible with the TP-500 Temperature Programmable Transponder and TP-1000 Temperature Programmable Transponder . This compact and hand held system is available in bluetooth or wireless configuration.
Récepteur d’énergie ER-4500
Le récepteur/énergiseur ER4500 fournit de l’énergie et reçoit les données de mesure émises par les émetteurs implantés. Il s’adapte facilement sous la plupart des cages d’animaux de laboratoire standard et peut être utilisé en collaboration avec notre Roue d’exercice intra-cage.
TP-500 Temperature Programmable Transponder
The TP-500 is a programmable temperature transponder, compatible with all laboratory species. An ID code of up to 32 alphanumeric characters (including letters, numbers or special symbols) can be programmed directly onto the transponder and read with our DAS 8037 reader system.
TP-1000 Temperature Programmable Transponder
The TP-1000 is a temperature, programmable transponder compatible with all laboratory species. An ID code of up to 32 alphanumeric characters (including letters, numbers or special symbols) can be programmed directly onto the transponder and read with our DAS 8037 reader system. The TP-1000 differs from the TP-500 in dimensions, with the TP-1000 measuring slightly larger.
VitalView Software
VitalView® Telemetry software allows you to configure the experiment and data collection parameters when using the Emitter Telemetry Implants. The software manages communications with the hardware and stores and displays basic graphical data analysis. It also provides descriptive statistics and prepares the data for export.
VitalView® is a convenient PC/Windows-based platform designed to monitor an entire suite of parameters. Built-in flexibility permits user-defined sampling size, data filtering, and epoch lengths.