SAR-1000 Advanced Volume-Pressure Ventilator- Respirator- Beatmungsgerät
The SAR-1000 Volume-Pressure Ventilator operates as a volume or pressure-cycled ventilator for mice, rats and guinea pigs and an optional upgrade is available to accommodate rabbits. VOLUME mode delivers a fixed tidal volume on each breath, and PRESSURE mode causes inflation to stop at a preset airway pressure. In either mode, lung inflation is maintained at the end of inspiration until the percent inspiration (%Insp) time has elapsed.
SAR-1000 Advanced Volume-Pressure Ventilator- Respirator- Beatmungsgerät
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The Volume-Pressure Ventilator operates as a volume or pressure-cycled ventilator for rats, rabbits and guinea pigs and an optional upgrade is available to mice.
Features and benefits:
- Wide tidal volume and rate change
- User friendly set-up and operation
- Accommodates mice up to guinea pigs
- Direct display of Tidal Volume and all parameters
- Remote control via USB port
- Multi-animal set-up available
- Safe for use with oxygen and anaesthetic gases
technical information:
- Respiratory rate range: 5 – 200 breaths/min
- Tidal volume range: 0.2 – 35 ml
- Inspiration/expiration range (%Insp): 10 – 90%
- Inspiratory flow rate range: 100 – 1000ml/min
- Pressure control range: 0 – 50 cmH20
- internal air-pump caspacity: 3 LPM @ 5 PSI (0,34 bar)
- Analogue pressure output voltage: 50mV/cmH20
- Logic Sync Out voltage: 5 V (TTL)
- Trigger In voltage: 5 v (TTL)
- Remote-control interface: USB
- Front panel ports: Luer female
- Rear panel ports: 0.15” flex tubing barb (4 mm)
- Power requirements: 120/240 VAC, 50 A
- Dimensions: 9” Lx 9” W x 4” H
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